Heritage Day in Alberta

It seems like there is a day in August that is set aside for many provinces to celebrate their own heritage in Canada (see Civic Holiday). A number of different Provinces have their own holiday that is observed on this day. Heritage Day is one of these more localized holidays that is celebrated in Alberta. It is a day that the people of Alberta celebrate the local achievements and the local contributions from people in the community.

Fun Activities

This is a holiday that is celebrated in a number of different ways, but many people try to participate in a fun activity in honor of Heritage Day. This means that hiking or going to a local festival can be a great way to celebrate Heritage day in the Alberta community. Since this is a local holiday, it is celebrated within the Alberta community only. The holiday brings people together within the community and inspires pride in what has been achieved so far. It is a very popular event.

Is It a Real Holiday?

This is a different type of holiday because it is known in Alberta as an optional holiday. Some people living in Alberta do choose to observe this day as a holiday, but there are those people that do not treat it as a legal holiday. It is not a legal holiday, so public offices are open.